Rose Xu is head of the design patent team at Chang Tsi & Partners. She started her career in the field of intellectual property since 2004 and possesses extensive experience in legal matters related to patent, trademark, copyright, domain names and unfair competition. Rose Xu provides intellectual property protection services to numerous Fortune 500 companies for a long time and excels at identifying the legal needs of clients and crafting customized intellectual property protection and risk management strategies.
Throughout her career, she has handled over 2500 intellectual property enforcement cases, more than 200 intellectual property litigation cases and led her team to handle more than 2000 patent application cases. Several of her cases have been cited as typical cases by judicial authorities in regions such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong.
Industrial Design
1999 until now
Counsel,Attorney at Law,Patent Attorney, Chang Tsi & Partners
Client Manager, Beijing Ming & Long
LL.M., China University of Political Science and Law
B.S., Engineering, Laiyang Agricultural University
Chinese Patent Bar (2008)