Specializing in trademark services within the intellectual property sectors of Singapore and Taiwan, Shiyu possesses extensive expertise in trademark strategy, prosecution, and enforcement for enterprises. Her work spans various industries, including pharmaceuticals, household appliances, automotive machinery, electronics, food products, beauty and skincare, and apparel.
Since commencing her career in trademark agency services within the Greater China region, Shiyu has provided services to numerous Fortune 500 companies and internationally renowned law firms. She has managed over 5,000 trademark registration, and dispute resolution cases, accumulating substantial experience in trademark protection across the Greater China region. Shiyu is well-versed in international trademark law and has profound expertise in handling trademark prosecution and contentious matters in Singapore. She excels in delivering high-caliber services through meticulous legal analysis and exceptional bilingual capabilities. By conducting comprehensive assessments of clients' business needs and market environments, Stella devises bespoke intellectual property protection strategies tailored to various industries. She ensures efficient and timely communication with clients, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to safeguarding the clients’ interests and maximizing their intellectual property assets.