管理合伙人 | 律师
争议解决 | IP Commercial
北京 | 美国
The clients of Chang Tsi in Corporate Law area include consumer product, industrial, electrical and computer technology, financing, and national institutes worldwide.
With extensive experience providing legal services to foreign companies investing in China, our Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) team is intimately familiar with related laws and regulations. Drawing on considerable experience in this field together with an in-depth understanding of the Chinese legal and regulatory environment, our team aims to design the best investment plans for our foreign clients to achieve their business goals.
Our services include:
The Bankruptcy and Corporate Restructuring group of Chang Tsi& Partners provides one-stop solutions to our clients ranging from bankruptcy reorganization, bankruptcy reconciliation and bankruptcy liquidation. Chang Tsi & Partners also advises on dissolution and liquidation, safeguarding the legal rights of shareholders and enterprise restructuring.
Chang Tsi has been designated by the Beijing High People’s Court as one of the 30 official institutions for bankruptcy administration. Seemingly, Chang Tsi has often acted as a bankruptcy administrator over recent years and gained high recognition in this regard from courts at all levels.
Our services include:
Our counsel on M & A for our clients is always shaped by the interests and strategies of our client, and guided by our M&A team's rich experience and wide social connections.
Chang Tsi has provided M&A legal services for many of our clients, including large state-owned enterprises, high-tech companies and 500 Fortune Companies.
Our services include:
Our team of Labor Law specialists assist clients not only by establishing labor management systems and human resources problems, but also by settling complicated employment disputes, such as handling day-to-day labor matters, managing labor disputes (including arbitration & litigation), and providing legal advice on complex commercia transactions regarding labor law and employee arrangements.
Our services include:
The Corporate Affair team of Chang Tsi consists of corporate attorneys with professional background in large corporates. Hence, the team is keen on enterprise management, provides high-quality legal services, and communicate most effectively with clients.
Our services include:
In China, there are increasing legal requirements in the field of cybersecurity, data security and personal information protection. The following laws constitute the three pillars of such legal system.
We leverage our comprehensive experience in technology law across sectors, including manufacturing, retail, tech companies, cloud computing, IT, biopharma, finance and investment, e-commerce and the internet of things (IoT), to address and assist our clients with the challenges in the global digital world. We assist our clients in their assessment of data compliance and the relative risk identification, and provide guidance to our clients on their data processing activities.
Our services include:
The corporate attorneys team also advises on corporate governance and compliance as follows:
The Finance and Banking group of Chang Tsi & Partners serves as a legal counsel for a number of leading financial institutions, and has a proven track record in this field. Also, Chang Tsi & Partners is one of only five law firms qualified to provide special legal services for syndicated loans selected by Beijing Banking Association.
Our services include:
Chang Tsi & Partners has an experienced construction and real estate practice group. We have represented developers, owners, and general contractors ranging from complex disputes to straight forward matters.
Our services include: