Because of the Coronavirus, we have received lot of inquiries and greetings from our clients and associates all over the world. Chang Tsi & Partners all employees deeply appreciate the greetings.
Since 10th February 2020, Chang Tsi & Partners has completely resumed normal businesses operations. Affected by the Coronavirus, majority of our employees from 7 offices in great China are working from home, being equipped with virtualization-based office system and private cloud. The matured office system developed and continuously improved by us since 2010 can not only offers support on on-line filing of patent and trademark applications, but also offer to our clients safer and more efficient services in the age of new technological revolution and in the crucial moment. New trademark and patent applications can be filed as normal. On-site investigations into infringers could be delayed depending on the operation of the suspect targets. Litigation filing could also be delayed based on the practice of different courts. We shall continue to give close reports to our clients on the status of each case. Please feel free to contact us if you have any inquiries.
As always, Chang Tsi & Partners promise to give reply to client’s simple inquiries within one working day and reply to complicated inquiries within 3 working days. Our quality services will not be negatively affected.
World Trademark Review (WTR), one of the most important media agencies in the industry, recently published the list of “WTR 1000: The World's Leading Trademark Professionals 2020”, and Chang Tsi & Partners was ranked as Tier 1 in two tables, i.e., “Firms: enforcement and litigation” and “Firms: prosecution and strategy”, which fully represents the overwhelming strength and the leading position of the firm in the IP field.
The annual Global IP Awards Ceremony was held by Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) and World Trademark Review (WTR) on January 30th, 2020, and Chang Tsi & Partners was awarded “2020 China Trademark Firm of the Year”.
Asialaw Profiles, an internationally renowned legal rating agency, has recently published the lists of Chinese law firm recommendations and the leading individuals 2020.