MOZLEN 500 is a list of professional foreign trademark agencies in China compiled by the leading trademark AI search and management platform MOZLEN (www.mozlen. com) based on dimensions such as trademark big data and comprehensive influence. MOZLEN 500 was released globally on May 17, 2023 at the 145th International Trademark Association (INTA) Annual Meeting in Singapore, showcasing excellent Chinese foreign trademark agencies to global enterprises. MOZLEN 500 mainly consists of three parts:
Among the nearly 20000 trademark agencies registered by the China National Intellectual Property Administration of China, Chang Tsi & Partners ranked first in the "Comprehensive Ranking of 500 Foreign related Trademark Agencies in China" by virtue of its outstanding international customer trademark agency experience, comprehensive business strength and international influence. In addition, Chang Tsi was rated AAA+++(the highest level), and was highly recommended for its outstanding performance in business rankings in many key countries.